Meet 3 Mental Health Tech Pioneers
Did you know that just about 25% of Black Americans seek mental health treatment, compared to 40% of white Americans? There are several factors that can account for this disparity, including mistrust in the medical system, unequal access to healthcare, and social stigma often associated with mental health concerns.
These disparities motivate our team at Libbie Health to keep building and scaling our efforts to disrupt mental health care. Turns out, we're not alone!
Featured in this article by Alesia Bani for The Plug are Ryan Mundy, Ashley Bella, and our very own Colette Ellis. Read to learn how their new platforms on the rise have created unique services to tap into the digital health market, specifically with focuses on generational health for Black culture (Alkeme Health), art therapy (Artzy Bella), and psychological acupressure or EFT-Tapping (Libbie Health).
See how these Black founders are pioneering the movement of mental health tech platforms to support underrepresented communities.
Libbie is a Liberator ... and a Rebel
Some people have asked me what is Libbie short for, thinking it's a nickname for Elizabeth. When, in fact, it's short for LIBERATION.
The primary healing method that Libbie guides users through is called the Emotional Freedom Technique. When I was thinking of the product name, I had this in mind. And, the word FREEDOM kept ringing in my head. As I considered monikers based on this word, the name Freeda didn't really resonate with me as the right name for our app.
So, I began to think of synonyms for freedom. There's LIBERTY and LIBERATION. From there, I thought of shortening it to Libbie -- purposefully using the "ie" as opposed to the "y" to further differentiate our app.
Some definitions of liberation that align with the Libbie Health brand include:
an occasion when something or someone is released or made free
activities connected with removing the disadvantages experienced by particular groups within society
Recently, I was completing a branding exercise using the Brand Archetype Wheel. The wheel includes 12 archetypes, one of which is the REBEL (or Outlaw on other wheels). Guess what value is associated with the Rebel? LIBERATION. I believe that Libbie is first and foremost a CAREGIVER, with the corresponding value of SERVICE. That said, the Rebel aligns with our intention to dismantle systems of oppression and decolonize healing so that our users (YOU) can be free from anxiety, stress, and trauma.
That's why Libbie is a Liberator and a Rebel!
[NOTE: I'm very aware that the language and examples used in most versions of the Brand Archetype Wheel are neither gender nor culturally competent.]
By Colette Ellis: July 1, 2022